School Holidays for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

HolidayClosing Date Date Reopen for Teaching Purposes Staff Training Days
 Summer 2024 Tuesday, 23rd July 2024Wednesday 4th September 20242nd and 3rd Sept 2024
 Autumn Half Term 2024 Friday, 25th October 2024Monday, 4th November 2024 
 Christmas 2024 Friday 20th December 2024Monday 6th January 2025 
 Spring Half Term 2025 Friday 21st February 2025Monday, 3rd March 2025 
 Easter 2025 Thursday, 10th April 2025Monday, 28th April 2025Friday 11th April 2025
 May Day 2025 Friday, 2nd May 2025Tuesday, 6th May 2025 
 Summer Half Term 2025 Friday, 23rd May 2025Tuesday, 3rd June 2025Monday 2nd June 2025
 Summer 2025 Friday 18th  July 2025TBAMonday 21st July

Family Holidays in term time

Pupil’s absence during term time can seriously disrupt their continuity of learning.  Not only do they miss the teaching provided on the days they are away, they are also less prepared for the subsequent lessons after their return.  There is a possible risk of under-achievement which we all must seek to avoid.

Amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations state that Head teachers are now NOT ALLOWED to grant leave of absence during term time for holidays.  The outcome for any parent removing their child from school could be a fixed penalty fine of £60 (Both parents will be fined individually).  Where there is more than one child in the same family who have an unauthorized holiday, the fine will be multiple as each child’s absence is classed as a separate offence.

Exceptional circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.  Please make an appointment with the Head Teacher if you feel this is applicable to you.