Welcome to St Hild’s College CE Primary School!

A warm welcome to St Hild’s College CE Aided Primary School. Our school vision reflects a passionate commitment to learning and recognition of the uniqueness of individual learners and that we can all ‘Shine Bright’. It is driven by our desire to offer the best possible education for our pupils in partnership with parents and the local community. We were all delighted with our May 2019 Ofsted inspection, which confirms we are a GOOD school. Please view our fantastic gallery page to find out about all the activities we have been doing across school. Our welcome and admission pages have videos all about our wonderful school. We hope you enjoy them. You can find out what some of our parents and visitors like about our school on our views page.

This school is for children between the ages of 2 and 11 years.  Its existence ensures the right of parents to have their children instructed in the Faith of the Church of England, in a Christian atmosphere, within the family of the Church. We are proud of our links with St Giles Church and regularly visit the church. Our termly Eucharist’s are a wonderful time to reflect and take part in Christian Worship. Jen Moss is our Chair of Governors and more information about our Governors can be found here.

We aim to provide a happy and secure environment, where children think for themselves and use their own initiative as often as possible. The acquisition of the necessary basic skills is of great importance. We try to teach the children how to learn, rather than drill them with facts.

Through our website you can find out about our school, and meet our staff. 

St Hild’s offers our children a creative curriculum and meets every child’s needs.

Our class pages show recent exciting activities that have been taking place in each year group. Visit our parent’s page to find all the information you need about our school including a video from one of our parents.

Pupils of faiths other than Church of England are welcomed at St Hild’s CE Aided Primary School. We work closely with our families to provide the best possible education for our children. We are committed to promoting the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and understanding of those with different faiths and beliefs.

If you would like to visit our school you are most welcome, we would love to show you round!

Please contact Mrs Nicola Shotton, our Administration Officer, to make an appointment on 0191 384 7451 or email sthilds@durhamlearning.net

We look forward to seeing you soon.
Mrs Alex Ryder