Our Anti Bullying Curriculum

At St Hild’s, anti bullying is an important part of our PSHE curriculum and it is covered regularly in all classes throughout school. In addition, we have an anti bullying day every term dedicated to a specific aspect of bullying. This could include cyber bullying, what bullying is, who can help us if we experience bullying or other forms of bullying. Parents are invited into school to take part in our anti bullying events throughout the year and work is shared on our school website and via Dojo.

We also regularly work with other agencies including the NSPCC, Show Racism the Red Card and Childline.

We have several groups of children in school who have been trained to support others.


In Key Stage One, we have a group of Mini Buds who are chosen from Year 2. These children help other children in the Infants to find friends at playtimes and lunchtimes. After completing their training during the Autumn Term, they deliver an assembly to the Infants so everyone knows who they are and what their job is. They help to sort out problems and disagreements and they are role models for the other children. They wear red hats when they are on duty so they are easy to spot.


We have two Smiles in every class. These children are trained to help children who join our school. It can be very scary to come to a new school and our Smiles help our new friends to settle into their new class. They show them around the school and help them to find things. They help new children to become familiar with our school routines and help them to join in games and make new friends within their class.

Children’s Anti-Bullying Policy

We have our own Children’s Anti-Bullying policy which was written by the children of St Hild’s for the children of St Hild’s. Every year during the Autumn Term, KS2 review this policy to make sure that it is up to date and to check that it still meets our needs. We talk about the key messages in the policy and discuss their importance. A copy of this policy can be found here.

Staff Training

All of our staff regularly take part in Anti-Bullying training and we are committed to supporting the social, emotional and mental health needs of all of the pupils in our care. We work with a number of agencies and complete training in different areas, including online safety.

The following websites contain useful anti bullying information

0800 11 11

The Samaritans
0345 90 90 90

08451 205 204

0808 800 5000

Y6 designed Bully-Proof Vests to support people who may experience bullying behavior

Our Y2 Buddies completed their training with Miss Luke and Mrs. Jones.

KS2 designed some super anti-bullying leaflets and posters