Department for Education
Many Parents are keen to see how we are performing in relation to other schools. The Department for Education (Dfe) Performance Tables provide a reliable and accessible source of comparative information on pupil attainment and progress, absence, workforce and finance. You can find the School Performance Tables from the DfE by clicking the link above.
July 2022 Data Headlines
Early Years 58% GLD
Y1 phonics 68% v 76% national
Y2 KS1 Assessments
Reading 60% v 67% national
GD 7% v 18% national
Writing 47% v 58% national
GD 7% v 8% national
Maths 60% v 68% national
GD 7% v 15% national
Y6 KS2 SATS July 2022 (2 children dis-applied but included in %s)
Reading 75% v 75% national
GD 25% v 28% national
Writing (TA) 67% v 70% national
GD 17% v 13% national
Maths 79% v 71% national
GD 21% v 22% national
GPS 83% v 72% national
GD 33% v 28% national
RWM combined 63% v National 59%
% higher score RWM 13% v 7% national
Headline Data July 2019
63% of children achieved a good level of development in Reception (National Average = 72%)
Year 1
85% of children passed their phonics screening check in Year 1 (National Average = 82%)
End of Key Stage 1
In Year 2
77% of children achieved the expected standard in reading
(National Average = 75%)
23% of children achieved greater depth in reading
( National Average = 25%)
73% of children achieved the expected standard in writing.
(National Average = 69%)
9% of children achieved greater depth in writing.
(National Average = 15%)
82% of children achieved the expected standard in maths.
(National Average = 76%)
27% of children achieved greater depth in maths.
(National Average = 22%)
End of Key Stage 2
In Year 6
75% of children achieved the expected standard in reading.
(National Average = 73%)
37% of children achieved a high standard in reading.
( National Average = 27%)
79% achieved the expected standard in writing.
( National Average = 79%)
5% of children working in greater depth within the expected standard in writing.
(National Average = 20%)
88% achieved the expected standard in maths. (National Average = 79%)
25% of children achieved a high standard in maths. ( National Average = 27%)
In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) 92% achieved the expected standard. (National Average = 78%)
29% of children achieved a high standard in GPS. (National Average = 36%)
In Year 6
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined = 58% ( National Average = 65%)
Average Scaled Score per Pupil
Average scaled score in reading = 102.8 (National = 104)
Average scaled score in GPS = 106.2 (National = 106)
Average scaled score in maths = 105.6 (National = 105)
Progress reading 0.3
Progress maths 3.6
Progress writing -0.2