We are committed to working with parents and carers to identify their child’s needs and the support that is required and we very much value the contribution that parents and carers can make to their child’s education.

Consultation with children with SEND

At St Hild’s, we ensure that the voice of the child is always listened to. Class teachers, our SENCO and our Support Staff work with our children to identify the support they need to meet agreed outcomes and achieve their potential. Our staff take time to get to know each child as an individual so they know what works well and what is less effective and they tailor the teaching they provide and the support that is available to meet their individual needs. 

The children’s views and opinions are gathered regularly to ensure that as a school, we are able to meet their needs in the most appropriate way.

Children with SEN Support Plans and EHC Plans

All of our review meetings are child centred. Before the meeting, the SENCO or class teacher will meet with your child to gather their views and opinions. This information will then form part of the review process. Your child is invited to the review meeting (as a parent/carer, you can decide if this is appropriate). They are able to join in the discussion about how their learning is going and they are involved in reviewing their outcomes on the plan as it progresses where appropriate. 

Consultation with parents and carers of children with SEND

We are committed to working with parents and carers to identify their child’s needs and support. Parents and carers will be involved throughout the process in a number of ways:

  • All parents and carers are invited to attend Open Evenings every term where they can discuss the progress their child has made and talk about the next steps in their learning journey
  • We have an “Open Door” policy and we invite parents and carers to speak to us at any time. Teaching staff are on the yard after school if you feel that a quick informal chat will help. If you would like to discuss a concern or issue, they will be able to make an appointment to speak to you more formally. If your child’s class teacher is unavailable, please make an appointment via the school office. (Parents and carers are reminded that they must not enter school via the KS1 playground door at any time).
  • If your child has a SEN Plan or a EHC Plan, formal meetings will be held at least once every term (a minimum of 3 times during each academic year). Meetings may take place more often if the outcomes have been achieved or if your child’s needs have changed significantly since the previous meeting. All professionals who support your child will also be invited to attend these review meetings.