Effective transition at all stages is essential to ensure that children feel safe within the learning environment. At St Hild’s, we have systems in place to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible for all of our pupils.
Transition into Nursery
Our youngest children who are entitled to two year old provision are visited at home by staff from our EYFS Two Year Old team and our Positive Futures Worker. Following this home visit, they then attend short sessions with their parent/carer, building up to full sessions when appropriate.
Our 3 Year Old children are invited into Nursery for a visit to meet our staff with their parent/carer before they start. Parents/Carers are then encouraged to stay with their child in Nursery for their first session to develop their familiarity with the setting and our Nursery staff. At first, your child may have reduced sessions, for example, starting after the other children and leaving early, however their time will increase quickly until they attend for their full hours.
Parents/Carers are invited to attend a meeting with our Nursery staff during the Summer Term in preparation for September. This information is then shared individually with parents/carers if their children join our Nursery during the academic year.
Transition into Reception
If your child does not attend our Nursery, our Reception Class staff will visit your child in their current Nursery setting. If your child attends our school Nursery, they will be familiar with our Reception Class staff and the routines and resources on offer. All children who are starting Reception in September will be invited to attend Moving Up Day in July. They will attend for half a session (either a morning or an afternoon) to meet our staff and explore our Foundation Stage Unit. Parents/Carers are also invited to attend a meeting with Foundation Stage staff during the Summer Term in preparation for September.
Transition between classes
At St Hild’s, we work closely with our neighbouring classes so children become familiar with each staff team.
In July every year we have “Moving Up” sessions where children spend time with their new class teacher in their new classroom.
If children have additional needs and we feel that they would benefit from additional transition, (for example, children who experience extreme anxiety, children who do not respond well to change, children who rely on routines, children with ASD) we make additional arrangements to support these children through the transition. This can include spending additional time in their new classroom, visiting their new classroom with their current member of support staff, beginning transition arrangements earlier in the Summer Term or taking photographs of their new classroom and staff home to talk about with Parents/Carers during the Summer holidays. The support provided is tailored to the needs of individual children and will be discussed with parents/carers in advance.
Additional Transition between Year 2 and Year 3
The transition from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two can be a daunting experience for children so in addition to the transition arrangements between classes outlined above, we provide additional transition opportunities for children during their final half term in Year 2.
Children in Year 2 have opportunities to spend time on the Key Stage Two playground at playtimes to familiarise themselves with the range of outdoor play equipment that is available. They also spend additional time in their new KS2 classroom so they become more familiar with this part of the school.
Transition into Key Stage Three
Once Secondary School places have been allocated, our Year 6 transition programme supports children as they prepare to leave St Hild’s. Our Positive Futures worker can provide additional support for children and parents/carers if additional support is required and she holds meetings and drop in sessions for all Year 6 families to provide as much information about transition as possible.
At St Hild’s, we work closely with all Durham Secondary and Special Schools in order to ensure the smoothest transition possible. All Durham Secondary schools have transition days where your child can meet their new class teacher and their classmates. They will also have opportunities to participate in sample lessons.
Our SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have. Their individual needs will also be discussed with the transition workers during their visits. If school or parents/carers feel that additional transition is needed, this will be arranged. Please contact our Positive Futures Worker for more information.
Joining our school at other times
If your child joins our school during a Key Stage or mid-way through the academic year, systems are in place to aid their transition from their previous school. When you visit our school, you will be given a tour by our Head Teacher, Mrs Ryder, and your child will have opportunities to see their new classroom and meet their teacher.
As part of our PSHE and anti-bullying provision, we have a team of SMILES who help new children settle into school. Two children from each class (Reception to Class 6) take on this role with support from Miss Luke and they act as a buddy to ensure new children can find their way around and have friends to play with. We also have a team of KS1 Mini Buds and a team of Play Leaders who help children to find friends outside at playtimes and lunchtimes.
If your child has SEND, our SENCO will liaise with the SENCO from your child’s previous school to ensure that we have the required information to enable us to support your child fully. It would be really beneficial if you could discuss your child’s needs with us and share any information you have when you visit.
Leaving our school
If your child leaves St Hild’s, the SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have.