Information Letter to Parents/Carers

BRILLIANT NEWS!!! We have achieved the Eco School Green Flag Status! 🤩


Summary of your achievement

Thank you for submitting your application for the Green Flag as a proof of your continuous hard work towards supporting our planet.

Your application made us feel really positive for the future. We also thought your Eco-Code linking with the idea of a climate emergency was interesting and sets out tangible and accessible calls to action that your whole school can get behind.

Your achievements this year have been great to hear about. It is wonderful to see your children’s comments when they said how proud they feel to be Light Monitors and have some impact on saving our planet.

The feedback from parents was also nice to hear. Your Earth Day and Water Day celebrations are exactly the kind of thing that will hopefully inspire children to look after the environment in the long term.

Good luck with everything!

Congratulations to everyone for the great work you have managed to do.

You should all be very proud of your amazing work and the great application you have submitted. You’ve more than earned your Green Flag accreditation!

Eco-schools Team

Wow! 100 points has been earned. Well done.

I am happy to announce that our Eco-School Representatives have been chosen.

Year 2: Toby and Hannah L
Year 3: Daor and Mya
Year 4: Evie L and Harry S
Year 5: William and James
Year 6: Tori and Fearne


Eco-School Crew

Our Eco-School Board is full of useful information for everybody to see. It is updated every term.

Democracy Day

We have been celebrating Democracy Day by completing a variety of activities and sharing different information about what Democracy actually is.

We have really enjoyed the visit of Durham Youth Council representatives. They have visited every class in our school and presented their knowledge about their service in the Council. Our children have been provided with great opportunities to ask questions and find out more about their possible future involvement in the Youth Council.

Thank you so much Catharine and Leah!

In June, we had a lovely visit from Tidy Ted and the Civic Pride team at Durham County Council.
The children listened really well and shared super answers about the problems caused by dropping litter.
Then, members of School Council and Eco Council went around the school grounds, picking up all of the litter they could find. They were all very sensible and enthusiastic.
Well done everyone