Mrs Bravington and Mrs Killian
Welcome to Butler Class!
We hope you have all had a lovely summer with your family and friends and are ready for a busy and exciting year in Butler Class. Your teacher this year will be Mrs Bravington. We also have Mrs Killian who will be supporting us. We are looking forward to all the brilliant things we will be doing this term. We hope you continue to shine brightly!
Our Autumn Term whole school topic is “Where in the World Are We?” and we have lots of exciting things planned.
We will be investigating who the Mayans were and what impact they made on society. We will also be investigating our local area. We will be completing field work investigations as well as having the opportunity to develop our map skills. We will be carrying out field surveys and data collections and understand of the type of landmarks we see in different area.
In Computing, we’ll be learning how digital devices work, including inputs, outputs, and processes. We will explore different devices, design our own and see how we use technology daily. We’ll also look at how computers connect in networks and share information, learning about key parts like switches and servers.
In Art, we’ll be exploring the work of Lucian Freud, focusing on portraits and self-portraits. We will learn about Freud’s life, analyse his art, and compare different works to understand his style. We’ll practice drawing techniques, such as shading and proportion, to create our own portraits. We will also reflect on our work and that of our peers, discussing what we like and how we can improve.
In DT, we will be exploring the use of mechanisms including levers and linkages. We will be exploring what levers and linkages are to design and create our very own moving picture.
Our PE lessons will be on a Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure you come into school wearing your PE kit (red t-shirt, black or blue shorts, trainers or plimsoles.) Long hair is to be tied up and earrings are to be removed. In PE this autumn, we will first work with an SSP coach in gymnastics to develop our own routines, focusing on coordination, control, and strength. Later in the term, we’ll explore dance, where we will respond to different stimuli, create and perform dance phrases and work independently and with partners to express ideas through movement. We’ll also learn to evaluate our work and set personal goals.
In RE, we’ll be learning about Hindu beliefs and practices. We will explore Hindu gods, the concept of Brahman and how these ideas are shown through statues (murtis). We’ll also look at how Hindus in Britain practice their faith at home and in their communities. Finally, we will think about how these beliefs relate to the value of rituals and how people are valued in the world today.
Remember to bring your reading book and Reading Together book to school every day. Books will be changed once children have finished their book and they have completed their Accelerated Reader Quiz.
As always, if you have any questions, please get in touch.
Mrs Bravington and Mrs Killian