Welcome to Murphy Class!

We are very excited to learn new things, meet new friends and have fun making memories together. Our team are really looking forward to teaching you this year. We know you will all Shine Brightly.

We are Team Murphy so will be reading different books by Jill Murphy throughout the year. We will also focus on a different traditional tale each half term so that we can learn them very well.

Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Otwinowska, Mrs. Faircloth

Spring Term

This term, our whole school topic is Travelers and Explorers. We will be learning about travelling to space, Chinese New Year and so much more.

Our Jill Murphy story this half term is Whatever Next and our traditional tale is The Gingerbread Man.

We will post updates of our exciting dates and events on Class Dojo.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.