Welcome to Murray Class

Mr Grant and Mrs Roddam

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely time over the Christmas holidays and are feeling refreshed and ready to continue the excellent start you have all made to Year 6. As you know, there are lots of exciting things to look forward to (not least our newly rearranged residential!) and lots of new learning to be done too. We talked a lot last term about having a ‘Growth Mindset’ and approaching challenges with a positive attitude, not being afraid of making mistakes. This will be continue to be the attitude we aim for every day so we can make the most of all of the opportunities that come our way.

Our Spring Term whole school topic is “Travellers and Explorers” and we have lots of exciting things planned in each of our subjects. We will be finding out about the Tudors in history and learning about Henry VIII and his six wives. In art, we will be working on our sculpture skills and using clay to emulate the work of Fenwick Lawson. And in English, we will be reading our new class novel – The Boy at the Back of the Class – and completing a variety of writing tasks about this. There is so much to look forward to this term!

As ever, if you ever have any questions, please get in touch.

Mr Grant and Mrs Roddam smiley

Pizza making with Chartwells was a real treat!

3D modelling using Tinkercad in computing.

Wear a Word Day was great fun! ๐ŸŒŸ

Clay modelling using the score, slip and blend skills.

In RE, we began our new topic by exploring people who have changed our world.