Our Nursery Curriculum

At St Hild’s CE Primary School, we have a two-year rolling programme. As part of this programme, we have 6 umbrella themes. These themes are covered in all classes from 2YO to Year 6 and we link as much of the curriculum content and wider opportunities as possible these themes.

In EYFS, we cover 7 areas of learning. Throughout the year we deliver a range of activities which will lead children towards an understanding of the goals outlined below (4 areas of learning). These activities will be revisited through different experiences/contexts to embed learning and deepen understanding. We approach learning through a main topic/author, then move learning forward, using the interest of the individual learners.

Our approach within EYFS is flexible. If children show an interest in topics we have planned to cover later in the year we will provide opportunities to develop this interest within our provision, children will not have to wait until the correct term shown below to develop their learning.

An outline of our current Nursery curriculum can be found below. There are also photographs of our curriculum in action on our individual class page.

our 2yo nursery curriculum
our nursery curriculum